Articles/Book Chapters

“Hegel, Adorno and the Concept of Transcendent Critique,” in Philosophy and Social Criticism, 12/4 (1987): 297-328.

“Hegel, Marx, and the Concept of Immanent Critique,” Journal of the History of Philosophy, XXX/2 (April 1991).

“Hegel’s Concept of Virtue,” Political Theory: An International Journal of Political Philosophy, 20/4 (November 1992): 547-583.

“Hegel, Modernity, and Civic Republicanism,” Public Affairs Quarterly 7/1 (January 1993).

“Hegel and the Doctrine of Expressivism,” in Robert Cohen (ed.), Artifacts, Representation, and Social Practice (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 1994).

“Hegel, Hobbes, Kant, and the Scienticization of Practical Philosophy,” in Ardis Collins (ed.), Hegel on the Modern World (Albany, NY: SUNY, 1995), 177-198.

“Hegel, Adorno and the Concept of Transcendent Critique,” in J.M. Bernstein (ed.), Critical Assessments (London: Routledge, 1995), 173-197. Republication with slight revisions of the 1987 Philosophy and Social Criticism essay noted above.

“Structure or Sentiment?  Habermas, Hegel, and the Conditions of Solidarity,” Philosophy Today, Vol 41/Supplement 1997: 49-54.

“Constitutional Paidiea,” Proceedings of World Philosophical Congress, 1998.

“Historicity and Constitutionalism in Hegel,” Hegel-Jahrbuch (Berlin, 1999).

“Law, Culture, and Constitutionalism,” Robert Williams (ed.), Beyond Liberalism and Communitarianism (Albany NY: SUNY Press 2001), 207-228.

“Political Pluralism in Hegel and Rawls,” William Rehg and James Bohman (eds.), Pluralism and the Pragmatic Turn: The Transformation of Critical Theory (Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2001), 339-360.

“Habermas, Hegel, and the Concept of Law,” in Kenneth Baynes and René von Schomberg (eds.), Democracy and Discourse: Essays on Habermas’ “Between Facts and Norms” (Albany NY: SUNY, 2002), 129-152.

“Hegel, Marx, and the Concept of Immanent Critique,” in Michael Slater (ed.), Hegel and Law (Alderhot, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 2002), 59-85.  Republication of the 1991 Journal of the History of Philosophy article noted above.

“The Idea of a Civil Religion for Modern Societies,” Hegel-Jahrbuch 2003: 271- 275.

“Structure or Sentiment: Habermas, Hegel, and the Conditions of Solidarity,” in David Rasmussen and James Swindal (eds.), Critical Theory (London: Sage Publications, 2004), 229-237.  Republication of the 1997 Philosophy Today essay noted above.

“Hegel’s Conception of the Relationship of Religion and Politics under Conditions of Modernity and Globalization,” Existenz: An International Journal of Philosophy, Religion, Politics, and the Arts, Volume 1, Nos1-2 (Fall 2006).

“Hegel’s Conception of an International ‘We,’” Philip T. Grier (ed.) Identity and Difference in Hegel’s Logic, Philosophy of Spirit, and Politics (Albany NY: SUNY Press, 2007), 155-176.

“A ‘földi-isteni’ állam hegli fogalma,” Kellék: Review of Philosophy 33-4 (2007): 87-104.

“Hegels Begriff des Staates als ‘Irdisch-Göttliches,’” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 56 (2008)/4: 495-509.

“Thompson, Participatory Parity and Self-Realization,” The Good Society, Volume 18, Number 1, 2009: 76-78.

“Is Hegel’s Philosophy of History Eurocentric?” in William Dudley (ed.), Hegel and History (Albany NY: SUNY Press, 2009), 87-110.

“Weltgeist als Prinzip des interkulturellen Kosmopolitismus,” Hegel Jahrbuch, 2011: 78-84.

“Hegel, Global Justice, and Mutual Recognition,” in Andrew Buchwalter (ed.), Hegel and Global Justice (Dordrecht: Springer, 2012), 211-32.

“Religion, Civil Society, and the System of an Ethical World: Hegel on the Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism,” in Angelica Nuzzo (ed.), Hegel on Religion and Politics (Albany NY: SUNY Press, 2013), 211-32.

“Hegel, Human Rights, and Political Membership,” Hegel-Bulletin, 34/1 (2013): 99-119.  Republished in “Virtual Special Issue: Hegel and Politics,” Hegel Bulletin, November 2018.

“Honneth, Hegel, and Global Justice,” in Tony Burns and Simon Thompson (eds.), Global Justice and the Politics of Recognition (Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), 21-47.

“Hegel and Marx,” in Michael Baur (ed.), Hegel: Key Concepts (London/New York: Routledge, 2014), 155-168.

“Hegel, Arendt, und‚ ‚das Recht, Rechte zu haben,‘” Hegel-Jahrbuch 2014/1 (October 2014): 177-183.

“La pobreza y la concepción hegeliana del derecho como eticidad reflexive,” Bajo Palabra: Revista de Filosofía 2015/10: 31-44.

“A Critique of Non-Metaphysical Readings of Hegel’s Practical Philosophy,” in Allegra de Laurentiis (ed.), Hegel and Metaphysics: On Logic and Ontology in the System (Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2016), 71-88.

“‘Die Sittlichkeit in der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft’: Entzweiung, Bildung, und Hegels Aufhebung der Aporien der sozialen Moderne,” in Hans-Christoph Schmidt am Busch (ed.), Die Philosophie des Marktes (Hamburg: Felix Meiner, 2016): 125-151.

“The Concept of Normative Reconstruction. Honneth, Hegel, and the Aims of Critical Social Theory,” in Harry F. Dahms and Eric R. Lybeck (eds.) Reconstructing Social Theory, History and Practice (Current Perspectives in Social Theory, Volume 35) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 57-88.

“Hegel and ‘The Ethicality in Civil Society’: Bifurcation, Bildung, and Hegel’s Supersession of the Aporias of Social Modernity,” in David James (ed.), Hegel’s Elements of the Philosophy of Right: A Critical Guide (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017), 116-136.

“Elements of Hegel’s Political Theology: Civic Republicanism, Social Justice, Constitutionalism, and Universal Human Rights,” Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy, Volume 21, Issue 1, Spring 2017, 138-161. DOI: 10.5840/symposium20172119.

“Elemente von Hegels politischer Theologie: Ziviler Republikanismus, soziale Gerechtigkeit, Konstitutionalismus und universelle Menschenrechte.” in Thomas Oehl and Arthur Kok (eds.), Objektiver und absoluter Geist nach Hegel. Kunst, Religion und Philosophie innerhalb und außerhalb von Gesellschaft und Geschichte (Leiden NL: Brill, 2018): 308-330.

“The Metaphysics of Spirit and Hegel’s Philosophy of Politics,” in Michael J. Thompson (ed.), Hegel’s Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Politics (New York/London: Routledge 2018): 33-55.

“G.W.F. Hegel 1770-1831,” “Facticity,” and “Validity,” entries in The Cambridge Habermas Lexicon, eds. Amy Allen and Eduardo Mendieta (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019).

“Bildung, Reflexivität, und die Sittlichkeit in der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft,” Hegel-Jahrbuch 2020, 508-514.

“Hegels Institutionenlehre,” in Die Wirklichkeit der konkreten Freiheit. G.W.F. Hegels Lehre vom Staat als ausgeführter Idee der Sittlichkeit, Michael Städtler (ed.), (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2020), 181-201.

“Hegel and the Intercultural Conception of Universal Human Rights,” in James Gledhill and Sebastian Stein (eds.), Hegel and Contemporary Political Philosophy: Beyond Kantian Constructivism (New York/London: Routledge 2020).

“Hegel’s Political Philosophy as Meta-philosophy,” in Luca Illetterati and Giovanna Miolli (eds.), The Relevance of Hegel’s Concept of Philosophy: From Classical German Philosophy to Contemporary Metaphilosophy (London: Bloomsbury 2020).

“Geist, Politik, und die Logik von Offenheit und Trangressivität,” Hegel Jahrbuch 2021.

“Hegel and the Intercultural Conception of Universal Human Rights,” in James Gledhill and Sebastian Stein (eds.), Hegel and Contemporary Political Philosophy: Beyond Kantian Constructivism (New York/London: Routledge 2020), 348-375. 

“Religion in the Public Sphere: Habermas, His Critics, and Hegelian Challenges,” Berlin Journal of Critical Theory, Vol. 4, 2 (July 2020): 17-53. Buchwalter – Curriculum Vitae 6 

“Hegel’s Doctrine of Institutions: Politics, Ethicality, and the Philosophy of Spirit,” in Argumenta Philosophica,2020, Vol.2 [special issue commemorating the 250th anniversary of Hegel’s birth]: 43-68. 

“Human Dignity and the Intercultural Theory of Human Rights,” Jus Cogens: A Critical Journal of Philosophy of Law and Politics, 3, 11–32 (2021). 

“Hegel y la concepción intercultural de los derechos humanos universales. Antítesis – Revista Iberoamericana De Estudios Hegelianos,” 2021 (1), 7–42. 

“Corradetti, Hegel, and the Postmetaphysical Theory of Human Rights,” symposium appendix to the 2nd edition of Claudio Corradetti’s Relativism and Human Rights. “Relativism and Human Rights: A Theory of Pluralist Universalism(Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, 2022), 197-210. 

“Hegel’s Political Philosophy as Metaphilosophy,” in Luca Illetterati and Giovanna Miolli (eds.), The Relevance of Hegel’s Concept of Philosophy: From Classical German Philosophy to Contemporary Metaphilosophy (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021), 149-164. 

“Bildung, Reflexivität, und die Sittlichkeit in der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft,” Hegel-Jahrbuch 2022, 508-514. 

“‘Philosophy is its Own Time Comprehended in Thought’: On the Normativity of Hegel’s Practical Philosophy,” in Kaveh Boveiri et al. (eds.), L’Héritage Hegel/The Heritage of Hegel (Québec Canada: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2022), forthcoming. 

“Geist, Politik, und die Logik von Offenheit und Trangressivität,“ Hegel Jahrbuch forthcoming 2022.